Sunday, June 3, 2007

The American Spy, The Rest of The Story

What you see just might be the tip of the iceberg! In the simplest form, it’s said to be the hand written chronicle and legacy of Everett Howard Hunt, Jr. It represents the chain of command said to reveal those responsible for the assassination of John
F. Kennedy.

“Hunt fulfilled a 27-year career serving as a C.I.A. executive officer, both directing and participating hands-on in covert operations throughout Central & South America, orchestrating coups in Guatemala and Chile, supervising "Executive Action" political assassinations, planning the "Bay of Pigs" invasion and functioning as team leader in the Watergate black bag burglary that ultimately lead to the impeachment of President Richard Nixon.” 1

“…Saint John Hunt discusses his unique, intimate relationship and bond of secrecy with his father, the death of his mother in a mysterious plane crash as she was transporting Watergate hush money along with other potentially incriminating documents, his own participation assisting his father in disposing of Watergate evidence, and his father's first-hand account and evidence revealing the principal players, motives and plot details of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.” 2

What E. Howard Hunt unloaded was the burden of an insidious web of treason, a story of dark forces that successfully merged, conspiring to seize control of the highest echelon inside the government of the most powerful nation on earth. It’s a story of the most sinister breach of trust imaginable. This story cries to be heard and for justice that has been eluded since November 22, 1963, the day Walter Cronkite, CBS News, first announced, with tears clouding his eyes, that the President had been pronounced dead.

Hunt tells us in his own words a story about a web of evil, the “Eastern Aristocracy”, that he entrusted to his son, Saint John Hunt, to be told only after his death.

He describes an elaborate, intricate plot to seize the pivotal power away from the youngest man to ever to be elected as President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, affectionately remembered as Jack.

It was at a time when the Unites States was caught up waist deep in a quagmire of a vicious escalation of conflict in Vietnam that had resulted from the failed support of the French that essentially ended in their defeat at Dienbienphu in 1954. France appointed Ngo Dinh Diem as Prime Minister of South Vietnam. In 1955 Diem used a referendum to remove the former Emperor and declare himself as President of the Republic of Vietnam.

The French maintained their presence in Vietnam until 1956 at which time the United States formed the US Military Assistance Advisor Group (MAAG) and assumed the training of South Vietnam forces.

Eisenhower's domino theory was that the communist sized power and control incrementally in small steps, one country at a time. He was determined to stop Ho Chi Minh from toppling South Vietnam at the Demilitarized Zone established as a dividing line between North and South Vietnam as a result of the French Indochina War.

Jack knew our continued support of a succession of coup d'état and of a military establishment where corruption was pervasive, was a formula for disaster that called for our withdrawal. It was a nasty little war inherited from Eisenhower that Jack was poised to bring to an end. There were others that would see that Jack was stopped.

Then there was a large contingent of Cuban exiles who felt betrayed over the slaughter and failed invasion of Cuba (April, 17, 1961). Nixon proposed it. Eisenhower planned it. Kennedy approved it. The CIA almost carried it out.

the assassination

Hunt weaves a story of critical importance. He answers questions that have gone unanswered or otherwise were intentionally distorted. It’s a story relevant to the inner circles of men entrusted to run our country who instead ran amuck.

Hunt's story depicts greed and hunger for power. He talks about an unimaginable plot, an amalgamation, CIA officials merging with the Mafia to assassinate the President, that Hunt refers to as the “Big Event”.

He names CIA officials like William Harvey, working with the Mafia, as the mastermind of the plot. He talks about meetings between CIA men like David Phillips and William Harvey, Cuban exile leader Antonio Veciana, and a CIA hit man named David Morales.

Hunt says he had personal knowledge it was the Mafia that ordered Jack Ruby to kill Lee Harvey Oswald.

He tells us LBJ recruited Cord Meyer in 1962 for the plot against JFK and later met with Richard Helms at his Texas ranch prior to the assassination (following the “Big Event”, Helms was made Deputy Director of the CIA under Admiral William Raborn. A year later, in 1966, he was appointed Director).

LBJ was short for Lyndon Baines Johnson (remembered for his expansion of the Vietnam War and known as a politician's politician), the 36th President of the United States who replaced JFK after his assassination.

You can listen to E. Howard Hunt’s tell the story of the “Eastern Aristocracy” withheld until after his death.

E. Howard Hunt, Jr. died January 23, 2007. He was 88 years old.

1 Saint John Hunt,
2 Dreamland Productions, Bayside, CA

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